Sunday, October 7, 2012

I am observant

One morning I woke up to notice that something was a little 'off' about hus-bot's face. It appeared he had sprouted a new mole or attracted some lint on the side of his nose. Anyhow, he got up and went about his business.

After eating breakfast he returned to the room still unaware of his new blemish. So I brought it to his attention asking what was it that was lingering on his face all morning...
So we looked closer...
 ... And it was a dead ant! Yep, a deceased arthropod just chillin' on his face the whole time. Our next question was how/why did it end up there of all places? My guess was that hus-bot's oily face weighed it down and did it in so that finally it could traverse the expanse of the face no more...

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